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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The 4 Basic Pillars to Success in Network Marketing

Network marketing started as early as the 1950s … the secrets of success in this business are:

Never Switch Off:

-  Don’t ever get distracted.
-  You can never fail in network marketing; the only reason to fail is to stop working.
-  You can’t expect to build a multimillion $ industry by working for 2 weeks.
-  If you work hard for 1 month then you switch off for 3 months … that wont have any meaning.

So network marketing is like pushing a car , the most difficult point is the start of the process then a momentum switches on , that’s what really happens.

Those who fail, are those who push for 3 months and stop then again start working for 3 months then stop so no momentum generates.

In network marketing, there is no one week off, it will take you one month to return back.

Never SWITCH OFF mentally, you shouldn’t’t work 7 days a week in network marketing but mentally you shouldn’t’t stop thinking about your business and how to improve it.

Your vacations will turn into a new field of prospecting and collecting cards

The greater challenge the leader has, is to keep his group switched on.


Is the core of network marketing and its actually very much misunderstood.
You edify your up line to your prospect, he will respect him and look forward for what he has to say, that will help you and your business to grow.
Edification is a mutual process as it runs both ways :
From down line to up line and vice versa

The up line must edify back the down line and raise his value in front of the prospect like saying ( he is one of my powerful leaders)

Up line/ down line relationship:

A lot of people find it difficult to counsel their up lines, but here is a great value “if you work alone, you wont succeed”
Networking is a copycat system , so once you find a successful leader try to copy him.
So here we come to a very important point,” what if I don’t like or trust my up line?” that’s easy, your up line shouldn’t’t only be restricted on the one who registered you in , NO, any working up line can be yours.
Seek the one you choose and trust, call him, ask him for advice, if he is responsible he will help you.
The up line you choose is the one whom you think will make you a better person and a better networker. At the same time this up line will never allow you to switch off.


Network marketing is about building relationships ….
Once you sign up a prospect, your life long relationship with him starts, but he won’t listen to what you say because you are just his upline but he will listen to you depending on the relationship that you created with him.
If one of your down lines leave your business, then you are the problem, you couldn’t’t build the proper relationship with him.
Relationships are not built in training rooms or presentations, they are built by going out, family gathering, meetings, etc.

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